Content Marketing

No more commodity content

Get content that generates sales

You need more than just commodity content

In a time where generative AI can write keyword optimized content at scale, it’s more important than ever to create content that is different from the commodity content flooding the internet.

If you have a company where there is a considered purchase and people research before they buy, then your content marketing strategy should be more than just generating organic traffic.

A successful content marketing strategy needs to also educate the reader and demonstrate that you understand their problem, help them get smart about potential solutions, and explain how your company is uniquely positioned to help them get unstuck.


How to Create Sales Enabled Content

The best way to create content that demonstrates your expertise and experience is to transfer the tribal knowledge from your sales and customer support team into written content. 

Sales content that is specific to your company cannot be accomplished with generative AI nor can it be accomplished with an external agency that does not directly interview your team. 


Solving the Time Sink Problem

One of the big challenges with user generated content is it takes on average about 6 hours to sit down and write, edit, and post a compelling article.

It's a pretty heavy lift to ask your internal sales, engineering or customer service team to take 6 hours out of their day and write content, especially if content writing is not in their job description.


The Solution: Do It With You 

I've tried having our clients write their own content and we edit - it's like pulling teeth because the subject matter experts are not writers, so it fell pretty low on their priority list.

I've tried writing content without interviews - more often than not, the best I could come up with was a generative AI, Wikipedia-level article that had the same information as everyone else and didn't help pull the readers into the sales funnel.

The following process is the best way to minimize the time the subject matter experts have to spend on a topic and it produces a well written article that clearly demonstrates the experience and expertise of the company.

Here is how it works:

1) We conduct a recorded and transcribed 30 minutes to 1 hour interview with your subject matter experts focusing on a single topic, issue, problem or solution. 

During this interview, we don’t use a script of canned questions.  

We have discovered that it is best to let the conversation flow organically so we can uncover deeper thoughts, ideas, and solutions that showcase the SME’s knowledge.


2) Before we write the content, we perform keyword research and look to see if there are any other articles from your competitors.  

Armed with the targeted keywords and competitor analysis, we write the article based on the interview.


3) As the last step we ask your SME to approve the final article for accuracy. This usually takes about 30 minutes.


The main advantages with this approach are:

  • We get original content from your Subject Matter Experts on topics that your specific prospects and customers are interested in.

  • It leverages your SME’s time. Instead of taking 6 hours for your team to write, edit, and post an article, they spend only two hours and none of it writing.

  • The content is written by people who write for a living, understand how to balance keyword optimization with creating content so that the article is easy to read, and knows how to post the content on your choice of CMS platform.


Content Writing


Sales Generating Messaging

Content that educates prospects through the awareness, consideration, and decision making process.

Customer Focused Pages

Customer Focused Pages


per page

  • 1 hour interview with your sales, support, or engineering team
  • Create content using the Storybrand framework
  • Create content requirements document that includes title, meta description, topic cluster, and associated buyer persona

Example Pages

  • Home Page
  • Services Page
  • Industry Page
  • Solution Page
  • Case Studies

Educational Pages

Educational Pages


per page

  • 1 hour interview with your sales, support, or engineering team
  • Create content based on interview
  • Create content requirements document that includes title, meta description, topic cluster

Example Pages

  • Blogs
  • Technical information pages
  • How to pages

e-Commerce Pages

e-Commerce Pages


per page

  • Based on existing materials, write product and collection descriptions that highlight benefits and features and can be used by your distributors and partners for their marketing activities.

Example Pages

  • Product Description
  • Collection Description

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