Fractional CMO Services

Fractional CMO Services

Get better results, faster.

Do you have someone who can help you...

Create Strategy

Get the holistic approach you need to get the most from your digital assets.

Drive Implementation

You need a governance process to fund the activities that produce the highest value.

Adapt Based on Data

To get great results, you need to constantly monitor KPIs, analyze performance, and make incremental improvements.


Isn’t Marketing supposed to drive revenue?

Here is how our Fractional CMO service helps turn marketing from a cost center to a revenue center.

1) Make sure that your expensive website is doing its job

The primary job of a website is to educate and guide your visitors through their buyers journey to make a purchase. 

I help you pull together the correct KPI’s AND help you understand the data so we can make sure your website is turning visitors into customers.

2) Determine which marketing campaigns should be funded

The job of marketing is to generate qualified traffic and visitors to your website, engage with your messaging, and help move them through your conversion funnel. 

As your part-time CMO, I track each customer acquisition channel’s KPIs and determine which marketing strategies and customer acquisitions channels are adding the most value.

The basic rule is to do more of what works, less of what is not working, and run experiments to see if we are missing anything or can do things differently.

3) Implement a Project Governance Process

When it comes to which project should get funded, everyone from executive management to sales, marketing, and external agencies have opinions and even pet projects.  

A large part of my value lies in managing the political governance process to prioritize ideas from all stakeholders and implementing projects that provide the most business value with the lowest technical complexity.

4) Transform Marketing into a Revenue Center

Marketing should create targeted content and campaigns that educate leads and empower Sales to close deals. 

By working with sales and producing content and traffic that helps the sales team educate and close, Marketing becomes an integral part of the sales process to generate new business and revenue.

5) Serve as the Customer Advocate

An effective marketing team can be assembled by combining your internal staff with external experts. 

This team should encompass web design, development (front-end and back-end), social media management, content creation, paid advertising specialists, SEO professionals, email marketing, and inbound marketing consultants.

As your fractional CMO, my job is to coordinate the customer requirements with all teams, provide feedback, clarify the messaging, and ensure that deliverables are helping to achieve the target KPIs.  

How to get started with Do What Works, outsourced CMO services:

Make an Informed Decision

Make an Informed Decision

Hiring a Fractional CMO is a significant step, and I want to ensure it's the right move for you.

Read this article so you can make an informed decision: 

Fractional CMO services help you grow faster

Schedule a Call

Schedule a Call

Let's discuss your specific needs and see if we can collaborate effectively. 

This is a two-way street, and open communication is key.

You: need a CMO who not only has the marketing experience, but also has the business consulting experience to make the tough decisions on what needs to be prioritized to get results.

Me: I want to make sure I can deliver impactful results and only take on clients where my expertise adds value.

Let’s find out together if we are a good fit.

Let's go!

Let's go!

Once we're on board, I'll immediately begin:

Building a Digital Marketing Dashboard 

Developing Strategic Plans

Working with Sales

By working together, I help unlock your full marketing potential and drive tangible results for your company.

Apply for Your Discovery Call


How I add value as your part-time CMO.

Build Internal Capabilities:

I work collaboratively with your team to establish clear processes and procedures, empowering them to operate effectively even after our engagement ends. This knowledge transfer ensures your marketing efforts remain consistent and efficient.

Scale for Future Success:

I understand that your marketing needs may change over time. 

This is why I implemented a flexible 3-month contract to provide you with the freedom to adjust as your business grows. 

You can seamlessly transition to a full-time CMO when the time is right, confident in the knowledge that your team has the foundation for continued success.

Lower Costs and Risk

Finding and hiring a full-time CMO through an executive search firm can be a lengthy and costly process. It typically takes 2-3 months and involves significant fees, often amounting to 20-30% of the candidate's first-year salary. 

This approach might not be ideal, particularly for companies under $50 million in gross revenue who may not require a full-time CMO's constant presence and need results faster.


The DWW Advantage: Faster Onboarding, Reduced Costs

DWW's Fractional CMO services offer a compelling alternative. 

You can have your part-time CMO on board in as little as one month, significantly reducing the onboarding time compared to traditional methods. 

Moreover, our CMO services are a fraction of the acquisition cost and annual salary associated with a full-time CMO, making them an economically efficient solution for businesses of all sizes.

By choosing a fractional CMO from DWW, you gain access to:

  • Experienced marketing leadership without the full-time commitment and expense.
  • Scalable solutions that adapt to your specific needs and budget.
  • Faster access to expertise, allowing you to grow your revenue faster.


A Business-Savvy CMO

While marketing experience is essential, a truly impactful CMO requires a broader skill set. 

Many marketers, transitioning into the CMO role, haven't navigated complex business environments or honed the leadership skills necessary to drive impactful change. 

You need a part-time CMO who can:

  • Navigate Internal Dynamics: Understanding company culture and navigating internal politics is crucial for building consensus and gaining buy-in for strategic initiatives.
  • Manage Up Effectively: Effectively communicating with senior leadership, aligning marketing goals with broader business objectives, and influencing key stakeholders are critical for success.
  • Foster Team Alignment: Building a cohesive and efficient marketing team requires strong leadership and the ability to create clear processes that keep everyone aligned towards shared goals.


Introducing David Lee: Your Business-CMO

As your Fractional CMO, I bring a unique blend of marketing expertise and business acumen to the table.

  • Education & Experience: I hold two degrees from UCLA in Economics & Japanese, an MBA from USC, and have 25 years of experience in corporate America.
  • Consulting Expertise: As a Deloitte Consulting alumni, I bring a deep understanding of business strategy and process optimization.
  • I ran a successful web development and HubSpot / Shopify Marketing Agency for 10 years and know what web developers & marketers need to do their job effectively.

This combination allows me to develop effective marketing strategies, navigate the complexities of the business landscape, and ensure your marketing efforts are seamlessly integrated with your overall business goals.